Water quality report

South East Queensland has some of the highest water quality in the world. 

The quality of drinking water treated at Seqwater plants meet the stringent standards set by the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Seqwater conducts almost 400,000 water quality tests a year and publishes a monthly water quality report to ensure community confidence and meet regulatory requirements.

Our water quality report provides information on the typical quality of the bulk water supply to councils and water retail distributors in South East Queensland. It is published monthly and is based on test results taken 4 weeks prior for a number of sampling points across the 11 South East Queensland council areas for 14+ key health and aesthetic parameters.

This testing program is part of a much larger testing program used for managing the quality of the bulk drinking water in South East Queensland. Testing also occurs at the council areas of the water supply before it gets to your home.

Download the latest weekly MIB and Geosmin results here.

Water reporting zones

View Report

This report summary is an indicator of the quality of the bulk drinking water supply in South East Queensland at a particular point in time. Please note that as the supply network is operated as an interconnected grid, the exact boundaries of the five water supply zones may change from week to week, depending on the operational requirements at the time.