Logan River Scheme

The Logan River scheme is designated to supplement natural flows for the fertile alluvial areas along Burnett Creek and the Logan River.

The Logan River Water Supply Scheme is located in the Logan River Basin and supplies bulk raw water to WAE in the 11 zones that comprise the Scheme (see map).  The scheme stretches along a 101 km length of the Logan River and along 30 km of Burnett Creek.

The Scheme was established following construction of Maroon Dam in 1974.  Since that time, new storages were developed, namely Cedar Grove Weir, Bromelton Weir, South Maclean Weir and Bromelton Off-Stream Storage.  In December, 2012, the Logan Basin ROP was amended adding 2 new zones, to extend the Scheme along 41 km of Teviot Brook including Wyaralong Dam.

Scheme Performance Report

The annual Scheme Performance Report (SPR) - previously known as Network Service Report (NSP) - contains scheme information such as historical water usage information and covers both operating and renewals expenditure and future material renewal forecast expenditure. The current year annual SPR and prior year annual NSPs can be accessed via the links below.

Water supply contract

The Water Act (2000) requires that the holder of a water allocation in this scheme must have a supply contract with Seqwater.

For any irrigators who were not party to a water supply contract when the scheme came under the Logan Basin Resource Operations Plan, the Water Act (2000) provides for a standard water supply contract to apply. In other words, a standard supply contract is statutorily deemed to be in place between each customer and Seqwater when a supply contract is not already in place.

You can download a copy of the deemed standard supply contract.

When a water allocation is sold, the purchaser of the water allocation is required to enter into a water supply contract with Seqwater before the transfer of the water allocation is able to be completed. For further information please contact us at [email protected] or call 1300 737 928.

Announced allocations

Water year:  2024-25

High priority announced allocations:  100%

Medium priority announced allocations:  100%

Announced allocations effective 1 July 2024 and will be applicable until 30 June 2025.

Customers are encouraged to obtain information about their available water balances (ML) by calling their Irrigation Team on 1300 737 928 or email [email protected]

History of announced allocations

In development - to be supplied.

Operational Report

Water trading

If you have entered into a contract of sale to purchase a water allocation (with or without land) and the water allocations are managed under a Resource Operations Licence held by Seqwater, then you will need to make application with Seqwater.  

Although Seqwater’s approval is not required for a permanent water allocation trade, the purchaser needs to enter into a water supply contract with Seqwater before Seqwater can provide the purchaser with a Notice of Existence of a Supply Contract form.  

The Queensland Titles office will not register the change of a water allocation without this form. Click here for our guide to the process for a permanent transfer of a water allocation. You will also need to complete the Permanent Transfer of Water Allocation Form.

Customers wishing to enter into seasonal assignments or temporary trades of water need to complete a Temporary Transfer Application Form. The local conditions are to be read in conjunction with the Seasonal Water Assignment (Temporary Transfer) Form. Completed forms may be returned by email to [email protected] or by post to PO Box 328, Ipswich QLD 4305.

Service standard

Individual processing times can vary due to individual circumstances such as:

  • whether your application has been lodged correctly and includes all the necessary supporting documents
  • the time it takes to perform required checks on the supporting information provided
  • whether there are any outstanding invoices.

Our standard processing time:

Seasonal Water Assignment: 10 business days

Water Supply Contract: 20 business days 

Water year

The water year starts 1 July and ends 30 June.

Scheme map

Download the scheme map

Scheme fact sheets

Unauthorised water use

Customer consultation

Seqwater holds customer consultation forums at least annually to consult on the network service plan and customer service standards as well as other Scheme issues that may arise from time to time.  Attendance at customer consultation forums is open to all irrigation customers of the Scheme and other stakeholders.

The date, time and location of the next consultation forum will be advised.

Service targets

Service targets for the Logan River Water Supply Scheme may be accessed here.

From 2016-17, Seqwater will publish annual performance reports detailing our performance against each target.

Further information

For further information or if you have any questions please contact us at [email protected]