Home Self-assessment checklist Self-assessment checklist Complete the self assessment checklist below to determine the correct application process for your event. You will be prompted with the correct course of action for your event. Recreational activity and event self-assessment checklist Answer the following questions to determine the correct application process to use for your event. 1. Do you propose to undertake a commercial activity? e.g. mobile food service, equipment hire or sales, transport or tourist service) Yes No 2. Is the activity being held for club or competitive purposes? (e.g. fishing competition, rowing regatta, water-skiing tournament, mountain bike event, horse riding etc.) Yes No 3. Are you requesting to have exclusive use of part of a recreational area? (e.g. wedding/event in a designated portion of a park where the public are prevented from entering) Yes No 4. Are you requesting access outside of standard opening hours and / or to use land outside of a designated recreation area? (e.g. event start and/or finish times are outside Seqwater standard opening hours/proposed access or use is for an area not currently open to the public) Yes No 5. Will your event potentially impact public access to, or the use of, the recreation area where your event is being held? (e.g. additional traffic or impact on available parking, significant use of amenities, erecting single or multiple temporary structures) Yes No Please complete the event application form: Organised Event Application Form Information guide for event applications Site plans Please send an email to the Recreation Team with the following details: Name Email address Contact number What lake are you proposing to hold your event at (include specific recreation area if applicable) Date and day of your proposed event Start and finish times of your proposed event The approximate number of people attending your proposed event A detailed description of your proposed event (e.g. birthday party, bushwalk, etc) Any other relevant information regarding your proposed event
For all life threatening emergencies phone Police, Fire Brigade, or Ambulance 000 (or 112) Do you need assistance from your local SES members? State Emergency Service 132 500 Are there burst pipes in your area? Contact Seqwater 1300 737 928 Have you lost water supply to your home, are there taste and odor issues with your drinking water? Urban Utilities 13 23 64 Unitywater 1300 086 489 City of Gold Coast 1300 000 928 Logan City Council (07) 3412 3412 Redland City Council (07) 3829 8999 Are there roads flooded, or localised flooding in your area? Brisbane City Council (07) 3403 8888 Ipswich City Council (07) 3810 6666 Moreton Bay Regional Council (07) 3205 0555 Scenic Rim Regional Council (07) 5540 5111 City of Gold Coast 1300 000 928 Lockyer Valley Regional Council 1300 005 872 Noosa Council (07) 5329 6500 Somerset Regional Council (07) 5424 4000 Gympie Regional Council 1300 307 800 Logan City Council (07) 3412 5494 Redland City Council (07) 3829 8999 Sunshine Coast Council (07) 5475 7272