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For all life threatening emergencies phone Police, Fire Brigade, or Ambulance 000 (or 112) Do you need assistance from your local SES members? State Emergency Service 132 500 Are there burst pipes in your area? Contact Seqwater 1300 737 928 Have you lost water supply to your home, are there taste and odor issues with your drinking water? Urban Utilities 13 23 64 Unitywater 1300 086 489 City of Gold Coast 1300 000 928 Logan City Council (07) 3412 3412 Redland City Council (07) 3829 8999 Are there roads flooded, or localised flooding in your area? Brisbane City Council (07) 3403 8888 Ipswich City Council (07) 3810 6666 Moreton Bay Regional Council (07) 3205 0555 Scenic Rim Regional Council (07) 5540 5111 City of Gold Coast 1300 000 928 Lockyer Valley Regional Council 1300 005 872 Noosa Council (07) 5329 6500 Somerset Regional Council (07) 5424 4000 Gympie Regional Council 1300 307 800 Logan City Council (07) 3412 5494 Redland City Council (07) 3829 8999 Sunshine Coast Council (07) 5475 7272