Historic dam Levels

The historical dam storage graph records the level of our dams over time.

To operate this graph, select a preset or custom date range, dam(s) and/or the combined Water Grid storage using the drop down menu.

Use the Download as CSV button to download your data.

Please note: 

  • The values displayed on the graph represent the last observation on the day for each dam. This data is representative of an overall trend of the lake level and may not include peak levels experienced during rainfall events.
  • The storage level data is based on automated daily data which has not been verified.

BOMs Water Data Online

For more historical water information, including storage levels, stream flow and river height information, visit BOMs Water Data Online here.

Contact Seqwater team

To request more historical dam storage data, please email [email protected] and clearly indicate:

  • the date range (max. 4 years) in the following format: dd month yyyy to dd month yyyy
  • whether you are requesting individual dam (max. up to 3) data or the combined Water Grid storages
  • the purpose of your request for information and how you plan to use this data.

A confirmation email with further instructions will be sent within ten (10) days of receiving your request.


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Important notes:

  • On 28 December 2024, Seqwater enacted a Reduced Full Supply Level for North Pine Dam (54%) ahead of the North Pine Dam Improvement Project.
  • the capacity of Sideling Creek Dam was decreased from 14,192 ML to 8,590 ML on 24 September 2015, and increased from 8,590 ML to 14,192 ML on 18 March 2019 as part of the Sideling Creek Dam upgrade
  • On 21 January 2016, temporary full supply levels were enacted for Somerset Dam (80%) and Wivenhoe Dam (90%) as part of the Somerset Dam Improvement Project.

    On 6 November 2020, the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water approved an application by Seqwater to amend our resource operations licences to reduced full supply levels at Somerset Dam and Wivenhoe Dam. These amended levels equate to storage percentages of approximately 80% for Somerset Dam and 90% for Wivenhoe Dam.  

    The amended full supply levels will remain in place until current dam improvement works at Somerset Dam are completed. Seqwater will commence flood releases from Wivenhoe Dam and Somerset Dam if storage levels exceed the amended full supply levels as a result of rainfall in the dam catchments.
  • the capacity of Cooloolabin Dam decreased from 13,820 ML to 8,183 ML on Thursday 10 December 2015
  • the capacity of Leslie Harrison Dam decreased from 24,868 ML to 13,206 ML on Friday 1 August 2014 as part of the Leslie Harrison Dam upgrade
  • the capacity of Nindooinbah Dam decreased from 322 ML to 270 ML on Saturday 1 March 2014
  • the capacity of the Hinze Dam increased from 161,073 ML to 310,730 ML on Friday 15 July 2011.