Sideling Creek Dam upgrade
The Sideling Creek Dam upgrade project was completed in May 2020.
In 2012-13, Seqwater commissioned an independent review of our 26 referable dams which found improvements are needed at a number of our dams to meet the Queensland dam safety guidelines into the future.
In 2012-13, Seqwater commissioned an independent review of our 26 referable dams which found improvements are needed at a number of our dams to meet the Queensland dam safety guidelines into the future.
We've prioritised a program of dam upgrades in a staged approach to give us time to scope, design and plan, while maintaining public safety, security of water supply and delivering best value for money.
Sideling Creek Dam is one of a number of dams identified for upgrade.
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Sideling Creek DIP enews - May 2020
11 May 2020
The Sideling Creek Dam upgrade is now complete. Read the final issue of the Sideling Creek DIP enews.
Spillway works now completed at Sideling Creek Dam
8 May 2020
Construction work on the $18 million Sideling Creek Dam Upgrade is now complete, with final upgrades to the spillway and downstream restoration finished earlier this month.
Major upgrade works which were completed in 2019, included strengthening the main dam structure to better withstand earthquakes and extreme weather events. Remaining minor works are now complete.
Seqwater Senior Project Manager, Stephen Sanderson, said the upgrade also included improved recreation opportunities for locals and visitors.
“In addition, we have revamped the recreation area, including new picnic tables, shade structures and turf. With the upgrade now complete, the water level of the lake has returned to its original full supply level, offering greater recreation enjoyment for everyone,” Mr Sanderson said.
The upgrade has also delivered environmental improvements for the lake and surrounding catchment, including a redesigned area downstream from the spillway to create a defined passageway to allow fish to travel downstream.
“We undertook significant revegetation works in the broader catchment area and
partnered with community groups to help improve the bushland as part of the upgrade project,” Mr Sanderson said.“New koala and security fencing have been installed to protect local wildlife and prevent access to restricted areas of the dam.”
Sideling Creek Dam is one of several dams across South East Queensland identified in the assessment for upgrade as part of Seqwater’s Dam Improvement Program.
For more information about Seqwater’s Dam Improvement Program visit: Creek DIP enews - August 2018
7 Aug 2019
The dam safety upgrade at Sideling Creek Dam is now well underway. Read our August issue of the Sideling Creek DIP enews for the latest.
Sideling Creek Dam upgrade is underway
7 Aug 2019
Work to upgrade Sideling Creek Dam (Lake Kurwongbah) is now underway, which will include strengthening the main dam structure and spillway.
As well as providing safety benefits, the project will also provide recreation and environment benefits too, check out the video above to learn more.
Sideling Creek DIP enews - June 2018
7 Aug 2019
Site mobilisation has commenced and upgrade work is scheduled to start from Monday 25 June 2018. Read June issue of the Sideling Creek DIP enews for the latest.
Sideling Creek DIP enews - April 2018
7 Aug 2019
The Sideling Creek Dam upgrade will begin next month. We expect construction to take about 12 months depending on weather and any unforeseen circumstances.
Construction planning is underway
7 Aug 2019
The detailed design for the upgrade of Sideling Creek Dam (Lake Kurwongbah) is nearing completion and construction planning is underway.
Construction for the planned upgrade is expected to start in mid - 2018, subject to Seqwater receiving necessary project approvals.
The upgrades to Sideling Creek Dam, as part of our Dam Improvement Program, will involve strengthening the main embankment of the dam and the concrete spillway, and then restoring the dam’s capacity to the original full supply level. Upgrading the dam is the most cost-effective way to improve dam safety, while maintaining the dam’s flood mitigation benefits and keeping the lake open to recreation.
The work will involve strengthening the main dam embankment (pictured below) by constructing a sand filter layer across the downstream face of the embankment held in place by a layer of engineered fill. The lower part of the dam in the original creek bed will be strengthened by the construction of a rock-fill berm to support the embankment. We expect the upgrade will take about 12 months to complete, subject to weather conditions and other unforeseen delays.
What is detailed design?
7 Aug 2019
Once the preferred option has been approved, detailed design is required to detail all of the work required for the upgrade and produce the drawings, specifications and plans for delivery. The detailed design phase involves finalising the upgrade work, determining the materials we will need for construction and in what order we will do the work to keep everyone safe.
This phase of the project also involves safety and environmental assessments so that we can include any special requirements for construction in the design. A traffic management assessment has already been completed for Sideling Creek Dam to consider the impacts of construction on the local road network. We have recently been completing Cultural Heritage and Environmental assessments at the site in preparation for construction.
We have also been speaking with the Department of Energy and Water Supply, the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Department of Natural Resources and Mines regarding our plans to improve the area downstream of the spillway.
Sideling Creek DIP enews - December 2018
1 Dec 2018
Construction of the weighting berm along the main embankment is in full swing, and major upgrade work on the spillway has progessed with 165 anchors now installed. Read our December issue of the Sideling Creek DIP enews for the latest or click here to sign up(External link) to receive updates by email.
Sideling Creek DIP enews - October 2018
1 Oct 2018
The upgrade project at Sideling Creek Dam is making good progress. Read our October issue of the Sideling Creek DIP enews for the latest.
The spillway
10 May 2018
Following the completion of the upgrade works, the slot in the spillway will be reinstated to allow the dam to be restored to its original full supply level.
A new dissipator in the form of an excavated pool will be constructed at the end of the concrete spillway to manage erosion and improve fish migration downstream. We will also be making improvements to the creek channel downstream.
Currently, there is potential for fish to become stranded below the concrete spillway after flood events in waterholes that can be found in the creek bed. The dissipator will be excavated in the existing rock to break up the energy from flood flows and will help fish travel downstream. We will also be providing safe access for rescuing any stranded fish if required. Design plans (below) for the dissipater are being finalised to provide the best solution for ongoing operation.
As part of the dissipator improvements some of the excavated material will be used to stabilise the downstream creek banks which will help to minimise erosion.
Sideling Creek Dam Project Water Velocity Diagram Future recreation changes
4 Apr 2018
Changes are happening at both Lake Kurwongbah and its neighbour Lake Samsonvale to improve access for recreation following a landmark water quality study.
Last year, we announced we would be opening Lake Samsonvale to the public for paddlecraft for the first time, as well as revising the current shared recreation arrangement on Lake Kurwongbah to allow public rowing, paddling and club skiing on the lake, seven days a week. We are currently planning to introduce these changes at both lakes. We will continue to talk to key stakeholders throughout the planning process. Keep an eye on our website for updates.
- SCDU_-_e-_update_-_April_2019.pdf (228.6 KB)
- 15_06_2018_-_APPROVED_FACT_SHEET_-_Lake_Kurwongbah_DIP.PDF (1.34 MB)
- 02_07_2018_-_Vegetation_Offset_Fact_Sheet_-_Lake_Kurwongbah_DIP.pdf (663.84 KB)
- Sideling_Creek_DIP_enews_-_October_2018.pdf (875.62 KB)
- Sideling_Creek_-_Dam_Improvement_Program_-_enews_-_August_2018.pdf (235.13 KB)
- Sideling_Creek_DIP_enews_-_June_2018.pdf (286.42 KB)
- Sideling_Creek_DIP_enews_-_December_2018.pdf (558.64 KB)
- April_2018_-_Sideling_Creek_Dam_e-update.pdf (282.1 KB)