Seqwater has identified 13 risks associated with work performed on our sites that have the potential to cause a fatality. For each of these risks we have identified a set of controls that are crucial to preventing this fatality occurring. These are called Critical Controls and are documented in our Critical Control Handbook.

The handbook is designed to be a communication tool that outlines the minimum set of safety controls for Seqwater’s Critical Risks. These critical controls are applicable to everyone performing work for Seqwater. Contractors are expected to ensure the controls listed in the Critical Controls Handbook are in place and effective for all work they are performing for Seqwater. For most contractors this should be either no, or a very minimal, change as the controls are generally standard across industry.

Webinar: Introducing Seqwater's Critical Controls

If you have any questions about Seqwater's Critical Controls, please contact your Engaging Officer or email [email protected]

Confined space

Cranes and lifting



Fire and explosion


Work at heights

Mobile plant

Work on, in or near water

Hazardous energy


Hazardous substances