The region’s combined drinking water supply fell below70% capacity today.
With dam levels falling and dry conditions forecast over autumn and into winter, South East Queenslanders are being encouraged to be water wise.
Seqwater Chief Executive Officer Neil Brennan said dam levels were the lowest they’ve been since February 2010.
Despite some rain over the past month, dam levels still decreased by 1% from early March, with dry conditions across South East Queensland expected throughout autumn and winter,” Mr Brennan said.
“We have started a community education campaign across the region to encourage water wise behaviour such as checking household plumbing for leaks, not watering in the heat of the day and remembering to use pool covers.
“By working with the community and carefully managing our water supply we can help delay and even potentially avoid the need for mandatory water restrictions.”
The Bureau of Meteorology El Niño outlook remains on alert, with a likely forecast of warm and dry conditions continuing in 2019.
Mr Brennan said SEQ water use peaked at a record 239 litres per person per day over January this year.
“While the recent cooler weather has seen water use back to about 170 litres per person per day we are now heading into the traditionally driest period of the year. It’s a good time for all of us to start looking at ways we can better conserve water.”
Seqwater will continue to closely monitor weather forecasts, catchment conditions and dam levels, and operate the Water Grid as required to best manage the region’s water supply.
More tips on how to be water efficient are now available at