Seqwater has completed comprehensive engineering, environmental and economic studies; as well as taken on the feedback from the previously established community reference group in 2019. All of this information has gone into informing the best design approach that focuses on reducing potential project impacts to the community and environment.
Seqwater finalised the design option in late 2023 which involves a new split-level concrete spillway, with an upper labyrinth spillway for extreme floods (see design section for detail).
While this is an important project to ensure the ongoing safety of the structure during extreme weather events, Seqwater is committed to avoiding or reducing the impacts of construction wherever possible.
Areas of impact assessed included, but were not limited to, water security and the lake level, traffic, noise, dust, water quality, recreation, cultural heritage, and ecology. Seqwater has also taken onboard community feedback obtained through the previous Community Reference Group sessions, where possible.
Project planning has included the modification of the construction methodology, and there will now be:
- The use of a coffer dam, to retain water throughout the project
- More water in Lake Macdonald during construction
- The Water Treatment Plant will continue to operate, utilising water from the lake
- Environmental flows will be maintained as per the condition of the water license
- Reduced impact/risk to aquatic life, plants and animals in and around the lake
- Recreation areas at Lake Macdonald Park will remain open during construction:
- The boat ramp at Lake Macdonald Park, next to the Noosa Botanic Gardens
- Fishing, stand up paddle boarding, canoeing
- Benefits to local community and visitors by keeping the lake open
- The project will employ local contractors and procure local businesses where possible.