(Updated: 3:00pm 27 May 2022)
Gated releases have now ceased from Wivenhoe Dam.
Seqwater will now undertake fish recovery efforts downstream of the dam spillway.
Minor operational releases will occur from Wivenhoe to discharge the remaining small inflows. These releases will not be made via the dam gates.
Releases from Somerset Dam, which flows into Wivenhoe Dam also ceased today. Operational releases may also occur from Somerset Dam next week, pending rain and any further river flows.
North Pine Dam, located in the Moreton Bay region, ceased releases on Tuesday 24 May.
All bridges downstream of all three gates dams are expected to be clear of inundation today and will be re-opened by the relevant authorities following safety inspections.
We urge people to stay clear of any remaining fast flowing or deep water near waterways and floodplains.
20 ungated Seqwater dams currently spilling across South East Queensland. (Dam levels page)
We thank any community members who were impacted by the dam releases for their patience and understanding while dam operations were undertaken.
Residents can keep up-to-date with future dam operations, by downloading Seqwater’s free dam release notification service, public safety app, website and social media channels.
(Updated: 9am 14 May 2022)
Seqwater commenced gated releases from Wivenhoe Dam at 10am on Wednesday 11 May, to keep the flood storage compartment low and available to respond if rain continued.
On Friday 13 May, releases from Wivenhoe were temporarily stopped to allow inflows from Lockyer Creek and the Bremer River to the Brisbane River to pass. Releases from Wivenhoe Dam recommenced at 3am on Saturday 14 May.
The Lockyer Creek and Bremer River flow into the Brisbane River downstream of Wivenhoe Dam.
The benefit of Wivenhoe Dam is being able to store water in the dam whilst the Bremer and Lockyer flows peak, ultimately reducing the height of the Brisbane River.
Seqwater will continue to respond to the weather conditions and adjust releases as necessary, to mitigate downstream flooding. Rainfall is currently forecast to continue this weekend but ease in intensity.
North Pine Dam continues to make controlled gated releases. Somerset Dam, which flows into Wivenhoe Dam is making low flow releases via its sluice gates.
21 ungated Seqwater dams currently spilling across South East Queensland. (Dam levels page)
We are keeping the community updated of our operations throughout this event with our free dam release notification service, public safety app, website and social media channels.
(10.30am, 11 May 2022)
Seqwater has been undertaking low flow releases from Somerset and Wivenhoe dams since Friday afternoon to balance the lake levels across the dams.
Gated releases are now commencing and started at approximately 8am this morning from Somerset Dam and North Pine Dam at 9am and Wivenhoe Dam at 10am today.
Releases are expected to continue across the week from Wivenhoe, Somerset and North Pine while rainfall continues.
At this stage, our flood storage compartments at both Somerset and Wivenhoe are 99% available.
19 ungated Seqwater dams currently spilling across South East Queensland. (Dam levels page)
We are keeping the community updated of our operations throughout this event with our free dam release notification service, public safety app, website and social media channels.